Election Information

Primary elections in Maryland were September 14, 2010 and the general election will be on November 2. Candidates are running for senator, governor, representative, state senator, state delegate and County Council. You can check your polling place and legislative district using the Maryland Board of Elections site.

Ehrlich vs O'Malley for Governor of Maryland

The candidates for governor both have clear records on building the light rail Purple Line, so they were not sent a questionnaire.

Other Candidates' Detailed Answers to ACT Questionnaire

ACT sent a questionnaire with transit related questions to all candidates in Montgomery County. The full replies of all candidates who won their respective primaries are linked to the appropriate office or district in the table below. (If there is no link, that means none of the candidates for that district replied.)


Congressional Representative

District 4

District 6

District 8

State Legislative Districts

District 14 Senator

District 15 Senator

District 16 Senator

District 17 Senator

District 18 Senator

District 19 Senator

District 20 Senator

District 39 Senator


County Executive

County Council At Large

County Council District 1

County Council District 2

County Council District 3

County Council District 4

County Council District 5


Thanks to all the ACT members who have contributed to the cost of printing and mailing the election scorecard.  To date, $3375 has been contributed.  A complete list of contributors is here.